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Simple Introduction/ 간단한 자기소개

Hello my name is Coko. I graduated with a M.A. degree in Korean language from the University of Hawaii in May of this year. I want to continue my Korean studies and so I decided to make a blog where I write in English and Korean. I call it the English and Korean project. Also in the blog I will highlight grammar points. Because my first language is English I know what it's like to learn Korean from a non Korean perspective. Which helps a lot because when learning Korean we think about how to learn the grammar and the way to say something, versus a native Korean speaker who just speaks naturally. I can't wait to see the results of this project. Let's learn Korean together!

안녕하세요 제 이름은 코고라고 합니다. 올해 5월 하와이 대학교에서 한국어 석사 과정을 졸업하였다. 한국어를 계속 공부하기 위해서 한국어와 영어로 쓰는 블로그를 만들기로 하였다. 영어한국어 프로젝트라고 부르는 것입니다. 블로그에 문법을 사용한 것을 강조하기도 할겁니다. 영어를 모국어로 쓰는 사람이러서는 한국인 아닌 관점에서 한국어를 배움을 얻는 적이 있다. 그럼으로써 잘 도와줄 수 있는 것 같다. 한국어를 자연스럽게 하는 한국인들에 비해서 외국인들이 문법을 어떻게 공부하고 어떻게 말해야 할 지에 대해 곰곰히 고려해야 히기 때문이다. 이 프로젝트의 결과가 어떻게 될지 기대되네요. 한국말을 함께 배웁시다!

The arts district in Hongdae.( 홍대 미술적인 지역 )

1. 저 = me '제' which is ㅈ+ㅓ+ㅣ and means "my" comes from the word 저. This is how I remember how to spell "제" cause it is easily spelled wrong. So just remember it comes from the word "저" and you just add ㅣ so when you put it together it becomes 제.

* In English we use possessive pronouns a lot, but in Korean it's not used as much instead the word "우리 (we or our") is used. Example:

우리 집- our house 우리 남동생- our little brother

우리 딸- our daughter 우리 남편- our husband 우리 은행- our bank (that's an actual bank name in Korea)

제 이름은- my name 제 남자 친구- my boyfriend 제 친구- my friend

2.라고 합니다 /라고 한다/ 라고 해요..... 래요....these are just a few of the ways you can use this form. Anytime you are saying what your name is or saying the name of someone else you use 라고 or 이라고 하다. When you use 라고 it is after a noun that ends with a vowel sound.

Example: 제 이름은 제니라고 합니다. 제니 "니" this ends in a vowel so you attach 라고 하다.

This versus a noun that ends with a consonant.

Example: 제 이름은 김수영이라고 합니다.

*the vowles and consonants are exactly what you find in the English alphabet; i,e, a,o,u type sounds are vowels and consonants are d, f, p,etc, harder type sounds.

3. 하기 위해서 is something you attach to a verb and means" in order to do something". So 잘 공부하기 위해서 집중해야 한다.= In order to study well you have to concentrate. As you know the original form of to study is 공부하다 So you drop the '다' and add the 기 위해. It works the same for every verb.

example: 배우다-배우기위해

듣다- 들기 위해 to carry, learn, listen

사라남다-사라남기 위해 to survive

*하기 위해서, 하기 위해, usually in written language you'll see the "서" removed a lot but don't worry it means the same exact thing.

4. 만들기로 했다. Decided to make. 만들다 drop the '다' add 기로 하다 and it means you decided to do something.

Example: 다른 방향으로 가기로 결정했다. I decided to go a different way.

집에서 과제를 하기로 했다. I decided to do the assignment at home.

*You can also add 결정하다 (which also means to decide) to the end of it for emphasized effect.

5. 하기도 하다- which means I also do,did, will do this and is attached to verbs. Drop '다' add 기도 하다.


설거지를 하고 집 청소하기도 할겁니다. I will do the dishes and will also clean the house.

친구를 학교에 데려갔고 끝나서 픽업하기도 했다. I took my friend to school and when it was over I also picked her/him up.

일주일에 한 번 주로 밖에 나가서 먹고 극장에 가서 영화를 보기도 한다. Once a week I usually go out and eat and I also go to the theater and watch a movie.

* You can use this verb in present, past and future form.

6. 에 비해서 this is when comparing two things. This is attached to the end of a noun or modified verb that becomes a noun. (여자에 비해서 or 하는 것에 비해서). It's like the comparative word 보다 but two things that are different. For exapmle if you're comparing the amount of time you study to the effectiveness of it you would use 에 비해서. If you're comparing the weather from today to yesterday you would use 보다, because you're using the same comparative.

1. 공부시간에 비해서 효율성이 떨어지는 것 같다. Compared to the amount of time I study it seems the results are not very effective.

떨어지다 means to drop so in this sentence I translated 떨어지다 as not being very effective. Also I added results because it's the meaning of the sentence even though 결과 was not in the sentence it is implied.

7. 하기 때문이다 this means because and is added to verbs or nouns.


교통이 때문에 학교에 늦었다 or 하교에 늦었다. 교통이 때문이다. Because of traffic I was late to school.

학교에 늦었기 때문에 처벌을 받게 되었다. Because I was late to school I recieved punishment.

8. 한국말 is the same as 한국어. Be sure to never say 영어말 that's a common mistake but here's a hint. Anything that ends in '어' in this context is the chinese word (한자) for language so if you say 영어말 your saying English language language.. basically. So it's 영어 and 한국어 or 한국말

email Coko 
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